WHEW! I know it has been forever since I have been on here, but, when you don't have good internet and time......well.....some things get pushed to the side. I hope to try and be more consistent now that I am somewhat settled! Well.....let me tell you a little about what has been going on. I live at the camp that we have here. It sits on a lake...and a volcano! I have hit the ground running here and I am loving it. I am still trying to learn about the ministry and to get to know everyone here and try to connect with the people. I have some awesome opportunities coming up so keep me in prayer. Last week we had several children's pastors from all over the states come in to do a Children's Workers Conference/Workshop. It was great. We had around 500 attendants from several countries here. I also had the opportunity to speak in the youth group. Yea so here is what I'm feeling now.....I have so much to say to catch up on that it is overwhelming. So...I think I will just start over.....maybe tomorrow.
WORD OF THE DAY: Quizas (key-sas) MAYBE
HOW I SEE IT: Yea...probably not going to happen!